One Love, One God, 3 Parts

As a young girl, I experienced traumas and crises that affected me well into my adult years.  My ability to recover from a failed marriage and the things from my childhood sparked a compassion in me for others who may be experiencing similar issues.  As the bible states, “What you [Satan] meant for evil, God used it for my good.”  (Gen. 50:15-21)   God took the traumas in my life and turned it into a desire to help others.  When I surrendered my life to Christ, it became apparent that He is able to heal the broken places.  It was this realization that led me to the decision to offer Christian counseling that is Christ-centered, biblically based, reliant on the Holy Spirit with the intent of leading a person to understand and appropriate Christ as the center of their life. 

This type of counseling is not focused on dwelling in the past of the person but identifying with where they are now and helping them take hold of who they are in Christ thereby obtaining a brighter future.  Reliance on the Word of God, with a focus on helping people see how salvation can be a mitigating factor for many illnesses is an important part of my counseling. 

This counseling includes prayer, exhorting, teaching, assisting with spiritual direction, and teaching about spiritual warfare.  We not only deal with the issues above but offer guidance on the importance of keeping a healthy body, spirit and soul. 

Unfortunately, Christian marriages are under attack and the divorce rate rivals that of non-Christian marriages.  Helping marriages stay on track is a major focus of this counseling ministry. We work with couples who are planning on marrying, couples who are in a marriage that may be surviving but want it to be better and couples who may be moving towards divorce.          

What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.”  Mark 10:9

As a Christian counselor, we strongly believe that God is the ultimate healer, however, we do recognize   there may be biological issues that require medical assistance.  We will strive to prove God's healing abilities in conjunction with taking medications but ultimately praying and believing that the medication will no longer be required to obtain physical, spiritual and emotional balance. 

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”  2Cor. 12:9

It is our mindset that all problems, including spiritual problems, arise because of the fall of the human race into sin.  Therefore, if we can attack our sin, we will be better equipped to help others achieve spiritual health which can lead to mental health, physical health and social health.